A mimic comedy troupe consisting of Sabu (Siddique), Unnikrishnan (Jagadish), Jimmy (Asokan), Manoj (Baiju) and Nissar (Sainudin) is managed by Mammootty (Mala Aravindan) for Fr. Tharakkandam (Innocent). On a trip to a program, the group comes across a wrecked car, in which they find a stuffed toy filled with precious diamonds. They find that the diamonds belong to notorious gangster Kasarkodu Kadarbhai Bhai (Alummoodan), and then start a comic chase between Kadarbhai's dangerous gang and the comedy troupe. As the two parties confront each other, the movie unfolds various hilarious moments, making the viewers stick to their seats. Watch this comedy-action flick to know who gets the diamonds.