The movie revolves around two old school friends, Jeet (Parambrata Chattopadhyay) and Raj (Rudranil Ghosh) who coincidentally came across each after a long time. While Jeet, a partner in a big architect firm, which he inherited from his deceased father-in-law; Raj is a struggling singer in a band. Jeet and Raj were invited to a party of a non-Bengali business client of Jeet, where Raj flirted with the businessman's daughter Inka (Neha Panda). After party, both the friends bought drinks from closed shops and drank in the open. Both of them wished they had each other life. After getting up from sleep, both of them found that their soul has interchanged. Both of the friends were surprised to find themselves in that situation. The further story deals with how they manage to tackle their situation.